
We give young women and men the tools needed through Holistic Transformation from Dance and Theatre to learn how to be Brave, to be Courageous, and to be Valiant.


Our Mission

The mission at Valiant Arts is to possess courage and determination as we Dance, Sing, Act and just express. We want to operate holistically and create within the physical, mental and emotional as we transform through the art of dance, music and drama. We want to promote dance as healing and enjoyable, no matter the genre. From there we will be able to spread the word that dancing and the Arts is creative, exciting, it’s a form of advocacy, and most of all, it’s worship. Valiant Arts is a place for classes, devotion, friendships, networking, and of course long-term transformation. Beyond technique, aspects such as respect, self-confidence, cultural identity, cultural awareness, mental health and life skills will develop as gifts are shared and we become a voice in the community. So let’s build and accomplish goals together for a lifetime. Let’s be Brave, let’s be Courageous, Let’s be Valiant.


Our Programs

We offer a variety of classes here at Valiant Arts designed to bring the best out of each student. From Minnie Movers ages 3-6, Juniors ages 8-12, and Seniors ages 13-18 we provide instruction to meet each child’s needs. Including a New Program “I Dance Too” designed by our Very own Licensed Dance Therapy Instructor for students With ASD.


Sign Up For Fall Classes

Registration is now open. Sign up Today

Volunteer opportunities

Accepting 3 Student Volunteers per Season. Volunteer opportunities include mentorship, Event planning, Community Outreach, and being surrounded by strong and empowered young women.

Make a Donation

Contributors like you are a valuable part of what makes Valiant Arts flourish and we can’t meet our goal without the help from people like you!